Diversity focused job boards

Kimberley Cook
3 min readFeb 25, 2021

“Kim, how do we hire more diverse people on our tech team?” is a question I get asked a lot. So I thought I’d put together a little blog post on places you can list your vacancy to hopefully attract more diverse candidates. I say hopefully because this alone WILL NOT solve the diversity problem in your team/company, but choosing where to list your job opportunity is a good place to start.

Coding Black Females

Coding Black Females is a non-profit that started in 2017, their primary goal is to provide opportunities for Black female developers. Their job board has 6 different packages that give you different perks. These packages are very clearly laid out, explaining exactly what you get with each package, ranging from £99 — £699.

URL ➡️ https://codingblackfemales.com/

Diversify Tech

Diversify Tech is a collection of resources for underrepresented people in tech. They have over 6300 people in their network and offer everything from resources, jobs, and stories of people in tech. They have a weekly newsletter that sends out scholarships, events, and job opportunities to their community. They have a flat fee of $199 for your first listing and $149 for every listing after that.

URL ➡️ https://www.diversifytech.co/

Code Your Future

If you’re looking to hire a junior developer who has just completed a Bootcamp then I recommend reaching out to the team over at Code Your Future. They are a charity that offers free training to refugees. A fee is not stated on their website but I strongly suggest dropping them an email and see how your company can hire from their cohorts.

URL ➡️ https://codeyourfuture.io/hire-a-graduate/


I couldn’t write a blog post about diversity without mentioning codebar. Codebar is a charity that creates a safe and collaborative environment for minority group members to learn to program and expand their career opportunities. Their job board is dedicated to junior developers, so if you’re looking to hire a junior developer, intern, or someone for your grad scheme then their job board is ideal. They have a flat fee of £50 for a listing, and for an additional £200, you can feature in their bi-monthly newsletter which goes out to 12K+ people in their community.

URL ➡️ https://codebar.io/

Code First Girls

Code First Girls offers training and events around coding and tech talent recruitment & retention. They work with companies to offer opportunities for young women. They have a network of over 20K, their job board is slightly more custom in that you send them an email and you both work out the best way to advertise to their community.

URL ➡️ https://codefirstgirls.org.uk/

Adas List

Adas List is a network of professional women who work “around the internet”, so particularly good if it isn’t necessarily an engineering role. They started in 2013, and since then have grown to a global community of over 7,500 people. Their job listing section has 3 very clear packages; Gold, Silver, and Standard ranging from £40 — £200.

URL ➡️ https://www.adaslist.co/

I’d love to hear of any more job boards you know that focus on minority groups that I could add to this list, so please drop me an email at kc@builtby.kim.

